For growing organization it is essential to build professional basis, which could be transferred from generation to generation. For every motivated volunteer there always comes time to become something bigger and better. That is the moment when some additional skilled help from aside is more than welcome. As a cause of that more than 50 ESNers have gathered together in Cluj-Napoca, Romania for the whole week, which has lasted from 14th to 21st of August. Eduk8 Training 4 Trainers (T4T) this time has invited to deepen knowledge in three different fields: intercultural learning, section empowerment, management and how to become an official ESN Eduk8 Trainer.

This time ESN Lithuania in the event was presented by National Research Coordinator Tomas Tamulevičius (ESN VMU), who already has experienced the power of Eduk8 while participating in their winter meeting last year. But it doesn’t make the new experience less valuable. He claims that “it was an amazing event, full of brilliant moments and fabulous emotions”. Our new ESN trainer says that this time it was more about building one strong team, where every single member of it can trust each other in no matter what situation. 

While discussing the program of the event he also tells that after first days of team-building more time was given for gathering knowledge in non-formal education area. Practical advises how to create trainings, conduct them and to be good at it were shared between professional and future ESN Eduk8 trainers. Following days invited to realize theory. Tomas remembers that “it was a great challenge to give a training for other participants. At the same time it was useful experience since we all received constructive feedback, which allowed us to improve faster heading to the right direction. When the last day of the meeting came, there was a lot to discuss, evaluate and remember, but after all of that the most important moment came when we all were announced as officially approved ESN Eduk8 Trainers”. 

Now fresh Eduk8 trainers are back home and probably already thinking about possible ways to realize gained skills. Tomas sends huge AČIŪ for all members of ESN Lithuania for this opportunity, giant THANK YOU for all the participants and organizers. And as a motivation for future ESN generations he adds: “for one more time I was convinced that ESN is one amazing family, which teaches you to see the best in every single person”. It’s always the right time to join us, isn’t it?