13 Sections of ESN Lithuania came together on the 30th-31st of March during National Platform 39 that was organised by ESN VMU, and volunteers from ESN Lithuania had an informative and interesting event together with guests from Latvia, Poland, Serbia and Ukraine.
Multiple elections are taking place in Lithuania this year, and ESN Lithuania is no exception. New members of the National Board, Coordinators and Chairs were elected, and they will be working together to ensure a successful future of this organisation. Elected National Board of ESN Lithuania: National Representative - Lukas Blusevičius, Communication Manager - Ugnė Zieniūtė, Events Manager - Agnė Petrauskaitė, Projects Manager - Monika Lisauskaitė. Also, ESN Lithuania elected Health and Well-being Coordinator - Šarūnas Selvestravičius and HR committee chair - Ieva Pociūtė. Votings were definitely a key part of this National Platform because the importance of in the upcoming European Parliament election was also discussed. Erasmus Student Network is trying to raise awareness regarding active citizenship, and ESN Lithuania is doing its part to inform people about the importance of expressing your opinion in the EU elections.
The 30 years anniversary of ESN was also a major topic during the second day of the Platform. Celebrations will be happening all around Europe this year due to this beautiful anniversary, and ESN Lithuania is already thinking about ways that we could mark this occasion in our country.
Moreover, it was a great National Platform because Timetravels, who are one of our biggest partners, attended the event and provided valuable information that will keep our volunteers motivated and excited about the upcoming trips that they can share with their international students.
Participants also had an opportunity to hear more about Erasmus in Schools (EiS). Members from our organisation will be traveling to multiple schools in Lithuania together with international students and teaching kids about multiculturality, Erasmus+ and their countries. EiS visitations will be happening for two semesters, and we are certain that this will be beneficial for volunteers and the kids.
Finally, sections have voted and decided that the next National Platform will be organised by ESN KUK in Klaipėda.
It was a successful National Platform and people are already waiting for the next one because they will be able to make new connections again and learn more about what is happening in our network.
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